Browser Plugins:
This website requires Adobe® Flash Player and Adobe® Reader to display properly, please install this software before sending questions.

Bug Reports & Technical Questions:
All bug reports, usability questions, and other technical problems can be submitted to the webmaster at

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.) Registration is not working, how can I register?
Registration can fail for a number of reasons. First, check that your browser meets the minimum operating requirements. Your browser version needs to be equivalent or greater than Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla Firefox 1.5, and Safari 3. Next, ensure that javascript is enabled on your browser. Lastly, please follow the directions while you register; closing or refreshing your browser during registration can cause errors. If you are still experiencing problems, e-mail us at

2.) Certain areas of the website do not display properly, why?
Ensure that your browser has the proper plugins installed. This website requires Adobe® Flash Player and Adobe® Reader to display properly. Your browser version needs to be equivalent or greater than Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla Firefox 1.5, and Safari 3. Also, enable javascript; some visual effects require this scripting language.

3.) How often is this site updated?
The Joseph Toles Foundation website is updated frequently. You can watch videos, view pictures, and read about upcoming events weekly. In addition, we are constantly deploying new technologies to provide unique, rich, web experiences.

4.) Can I donate online?
Yes, we accept donations online via PayPal®, or any major credit card. Donating is fast, easy, safe and secure with PayPal® credit card gateway authentication. Click here to donate online now!

5.) Will this website run on Safari® or Mozilla Firefox®?
Yes, this website has been tested for Safari® and Mozilla Firefox®. Your browser version needs to be equivalent or greater than Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or Safari 3 to be compatible.

6.) Does this website feature a forum?
Currently, this website does not feature a forum. We may implement a community forum in the future.